Nexa Pharma

definitely gonna convince myself that it's not a big deal thanks to the 24-48 hour half life and i'll just be extra safe by getting bi monthly liver tests.

It's probably going to come back in some strange measurement like nanograms per deciliter. What's a deciliter? I get nanograms, I think that's just base 10 right? 1 gram = 1000 mg = and on.... eventually you hit the nano scale.
Many have ordered from nexaph, and one of the popular gb servers used/uses them. There have been dozens of group buys from them that were tested by the group with great results.

Shipping is fast, compared to most of the direct China options. I believe they have product stateside, so there's no customs clearance to go through.

They are a tad bit more expensive than other options, but if I'm not mistaken, the majority of the test results I've seen are of 3-4 vials, rather than just 1.

If you join their server on pepchat, you'll find a discount code.

Do please correct me if I got anything wrong!

And I'll note that the nexaph owner is a member HERE, so that should tell you how this group's admin feels about them.

I won't get into the drama, except to say, I personally think it's a bit blown out of proportion. I don't really care as long as the product is good, issues are resolved to the buyers satisfaction, and I don't have to wait 2 months to get it and see test results.

I have product in my freezer from them, and while I have not yet used it, I will not hesitate when it comes around in rotation. I cycle peptides the same way I cycled through food inventory - FIFO - First In, First Out.
Hi Chef, I have missed you. I have and use props from Nexa and I love them. And, will buy more, in a few days.
Is one vial for purity, one for sterility?

Never done testing personally. When I found out it only determines the strength, it kind of took the wind out of my sails.
Yes, I was a little sad about the two vials since it changed the cost ratio per remaining vial. I also got the filters too for when I get to the point of researching with it but I figure at least for the first ever batch I'd go ahead and test both and see what the results are. I emailed peptidetest and they responded really fast letting me know I'd need to send two vials if I wanted to test purity and sterility. They actually suggested more vials for sterility but I was only willing to spare the two vials. Maybe in a group buy situation more vials would make more sense but I haven't gotten that far yet. I honestly wanted the first bit of testing I do to be totally in my control so I feel the most comfortable with the results if that makes sense.
Is one vial for purity, one for sterility?

Never done testing personally. When I found out it only determines the strength, it kind of took the wind out of my sails.
Can you send for just sterility? Or do you have to do purity too/first?

I'm on a low dose and I doubt that they're gonna overfill to the point I'd get ill, and I'm not as concerned about a huge underfill either. My concern is more with "bad stuff in there that could kill me."

Then, I also think that it's subQ and that I'm probably in greater danger walking to my mailbox barefoot.

And then there was also that time I fell down in the street and skinned my knee in Bangkok, thankfully I had received both Hep vaccines.

You get the point I'm trying to make here, though. How risky is it, really? Meaning, health wise as opposed to $$$$$$$?
Okay, now I'm nervous.

Explain the joke here to me like I'm 5?
Nothing to be nervous about currently. There's some stuff called TFA that typically gets removed during the manufacturing process with peptides meant for human use (and not research peptides like we're buying). There's a few of us that are varying levels of concerned about the harm that these could do to the human body and what the varying levels/concentrations of TFA in various research peptides from different vendors even is. Most folks couldn't care less and they're probably correct to feel that way tbh. I've also never heard of any actual health/liver related problems, but doesn't hurt to investigate further imo.
Jano provides both purity and fill results from one vial.

I'm not sold on the sterility testing, yet. I don't put my peptides in a solution that's conducive to bacterial growth and set them on the counter for 14 days.. I mix with bac water that stops bacterial growth and I store them in the fridge... Take any food, soak it in soy broth, let it sit out for 14 days, then see what happens... All food has bacteria in it, just not at harmful levels, so I'm not convinced small amounts of bacteria in peptides is something to get worked up about. I think a more accurate test would be to take month old reconstituted peptide and examine it for harmful levels of bacteria... I don't know what that test is, but it would be a much more accurate measure. And "harmful levels" of whatever bacteria is found needs to be established too. I'm not shooting this stuff into veins... SubQ injections are pretty forgiving. Short of having a compromised immune system, I should be able to fend off small amounts of bacteria.

There have been instances of peptides failing sterility tests, meanwhile 100+ people used them for months without becoming ill or getting infections. So it seems to me that a failed sterility test does not necessarily equal harmful peptides. I'm sure it could, given the right bacteria and at high enough levels.

I completely understand coming into this market and being weary. When I started, I said I'd just stick with domestic because it's triple tested... But as I learned more, and realized tens of thousands have been ordering from China and successfully using this stuff for years without any major issues, without sterility testing , without filtering.. I slowly changed my mind. Hell, body builders have been using gray market steroids from China for decades... DECADES!

I do prefer to see 3 vial tests, but mostly to confirm purity (that it's not degraded) and to get an average fill rate for more accurate dosing... That's it.

I now have everything to filter, and will be doing that from now on because one of my RS's has an autoimmune disease. It's 1 more step that at least makes me feel better about giving gray market peptides to 77yo momma bear.

Debate all you want! I'm certainly not telling anyone what to do, I'm not a dr, nurse, chemist, etc. Im a chef and this is simply the understanding that I choose to follow, based on my research, and what I personally feel safe doing.

Hell, people are welcome to buy 3 kits and sacrifice 2 of those kits along with $5000 for testing - if that's what they choose to do, to make them feel comfortable. It's not my money, it doesn't affect me one bit, and I'd never say it's the "wrong" thing to do.

This is what I mean when I say "you do you". It's not meant as a snark passive aggressive comment.

I stopped participating in the other forum because 50 people wanted to argue with me and tell me I'm wrong, etc. It doesn't matter. I'll do me, you do you. There's nothing to argue about.

I state my research findings to make people think and to help them make their own choices, not to force mine down their throats.
How risky is it, really?
That's for you to decide.

There are those who would take an unknown vial from an unknown person in a dark alley and inject it without thinking twice..

And there are those who will only use brand name, and still filter it first...

And there are 100 levels between those 2 extremes.

Let your research guide you to whatever level you are comfortable with.

Certainly don't take the word of a beat up chef, who was an addict and alcoholic most of his life, or any other random stranger, regardless of what they claim to be or know...

Take in the hundreds/thousands of accounts and piece that together in a way that makes you feel comfortable doing whatever you decide to do.

Should anything go wrong, there is no one to blame but yourself. No corporations to sue, no wrongful death payouts.. not so much as a $5 refund!
Jano provides both purity and fill results from one vial.

I think you were on point with everything. I've heard from medical pros that sterility really isn't a big concern/issue with SQ injections. IV is a concern for sterility.

I'm the type that runs things fast and loose until there is a problem. And then I overcompensate to the other extreme.

Did I tell you we cleaned our refrigerator after my post? And during the cleaning, we found a pita in a zip-lock bag wedged in-between a shelf and a drawer. I kid you not, it was in there for months.... possibly longer. Only way I could ID it as being a pita as opposed to a tortilla was the pattern of dimples.

Food is full of bacteria. I was watching a video that stated humans carry around 4-6 lbs of bacteria with them at all times. Mostly in our intestines, but the world is covered in the stuff.

Hope you stick around and post more! I always enjoy reading your posts.
That's for you to decide.

There are those who would take an unknown vial from an unknown person in a dark alley and inject it without thinking twice..

And there are those who will only use brand name, and still filter it first...

And there are 100 levels between those 2 extremes.

Let your research guide you to whatever level you are comfortable with.

Certainly don't take the word of a beat up chef, who was an addict and alcoholic most of his life, or any other random stranger, regardless of what they claim to be or know...

Take in the hundreds/thousands of accounts and piece that together in a way that makes you feel comfortable doing whatever you decide to do.

Should anything go wrong, there is no one to blame but yourself. No corporations to sue, no wrongful death payouts.. not so much as a $5 refund!
Bravo! Bravo!
I've bought from them and plan on buying more, but the items I want keep going out of stock. I'm sure there have been hundreds of people that have ordered with them, but I haven't seen many issues. If there are, they usually get corrected right away. I actually respect Cain more for being honest after the fiasco and how he handled the situation. I'd order from someone lying to protect their identity over someone having a product that burns when injecting.